Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Italy 150 years

In 1861 all the kingdoms and regions of this peninsula were united and the state of Italy was founded. The most famous name of this period is Garibaldi and there is no town in the country that has not a Corso or Via Garibaldi. Also Cavour is such a name and if you have ever visited this country you have been in a Cavour street or avenue somewhere.
In Torino a great exhibiton is going on dedicated to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the state. There is a wing showing the history in a most modern and appealing way. There is another wing dealing with how Italy will look like after the next 150 years. Here innovations and future trends are exhibited. One of the stands is occupied by a small firm called Arduino. They make a small (computer) board the size of a cigarette packet that is sold for little money and which can serve many purposes. Gino's son Davide works there and they play with and invent all kinds of applications for their device. You see them work with a 3D-printer, with robots, with led-lit texts in a bicycle wheel and more. Here they try to connect the past with the future and thus find a way to shape the new Italy and its new citizens.

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