Thursday, December 12, 2013


Krill is a very small shrimp like creature, its larve belongs to the zoöplankton. It's the main food for the blue whale, the world's largest mammal. If a creature can grow so big from it I suppose it is very nutricious. This morning we got it for our breakfast and I must say, we felt very energetic today. What happened?

Yesterday we stopped and found a very nice place to stay, Seaview place. Beautiful room at the side of a pool, the sea on the other side of the street. The owners, an elderly couple, spoiled us with treats of fruit and lots of attention. They showed us what was going on on the beach. In the water men were slowly walking in the light surf, pushing two long poles forward with a net in between. Every now and then they came ashore and emptied their catch in a big bucket. Krill, the shrimp-like thing, noy longer than one and a half cm, not thicker than one and a half mm. Buckets full of them. It was the once-a-year occasion to catch them, we were told. And the coastal people went for them in order to preserve them to eat later. Very interesting to see and “Wouldn' we like to have them for breakfast?”. Of course we would, if they are good for whales they can't be bad for us. Thus we found them this morning in our omelet. Not bad, they tasted like....not much actually. But we felt very fit today for sure.

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